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Ida is an internationally recognised expert in the field of Osteopathy and also as a Clinic Tutor at the University College of Osteopathy (formally The British School of Osteopathy). Ida is an Osteopathic Consultant and Healer and brings a wealth of more than 25 years’ experience to Yogaloft.

Her personal brand of healing has helped many people reclaim their vitality and recover their zest for life. Focused on sustained wellbeing - instead of quick fixes - Ida offers patients a customised treatment of carefully selected Osteopathic techniques to improve function and remove obstacles to healing. These may include: cranial, visceral, and structural techniques such as soft tissue, myofascial release, cranial osteopathy, muscle energy technique, counter strain, manipulation technique and lymphatic technique. 

Using the principles of Osteopathy a very wide variety of conditions can be helped including: Aches and Pains; Back Pain/backache; Strains & Sprains; Muscle Tension/spasms/cramps; Sports Injuries; Rheumatic and Arthritic Pain; Circulatory Problems, Digestion Problems; Neuralgia/Sciatica; Stress/Anxiety/Tension; TMJ (jaw) disorders; Reintegration after accidents, falls or injury. 

Each treatment is individually tailored, after explanation of the diagnosis and discussion about the treatment and the patients needs. Selected combination of one, two or more of these techniques usually proves highly effective. The patient may require one or two treatments or a longer course of treatments.

Treatment can also help a wide variety of general health problems such as: Asthma, Menstrual Problems (e.g. period pain), Headaches and Migraines, Frozen Shoulder, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Carpel Tunnel, Tennis/Golf elbow, Painful joints, Scoliosis, Whiplash, Numbness/Pins & Needles of the extremities, and age related movement limitations. Together with lifestyle advice, exercise, relaxation and breathing techniques and ergonomic advice may be suggested to prevent further problems and involve the patient in their own healing process. 

Ida is a firm believer that the body has the ability to heal itself at any time in life regardless of symptoms and journeys.

Ida is fully insured and has been accredited by the British school of Osteopathy, the oldest and largest school of Osteopathy in the UK.

£55/30 min | £75/45 min | £85/60 min

Kids and teenagers | First £55 | Follow up £45

Online consultation | First £50 | Follow up £45

*Please book 60 minutes for your first consultation to allow for a full case history, assessment, examinations and treatment*


“My promise to you is that I will do my very best to help you overcome your pain, teach you how to maintain your health and to deliver the best Osteopathic care available.”

“I strongly believe in how I practice and always strive to improve it. I do so because it is a wonderful feeling to be part of people’s healing journeys.”

“The whole purpose of my practice is to help people get out of pain and get their vitality back.”

“I want you to refer and continue to refer your friends and family to me because everyone deserves to learn and take control of their own health as opposed to just taking a chemical to try and resolve their problems.”

“Everyone deserves to have his or her body expressing optimum health.”